
Burgundslipp 2023

It’s finally that time of year again: Burgundslipp! I don’t think anyone could have predicted that a global pandemic would postpone the Burgundslipp for 2 years. And when it’s finally back on again, something unexpected happened.

But before we get into that, I might have to explain what the Burgundslipp is. Which is not an easy task. Because this phenomenon only happens in Norway, and if we’re really being honest, it’s concentrated around Aker Brygge in Oslo. Here are the broad strokes: February 9th, at 10 am, the doors open at Vinmonopolet Aker Brygge. And inside, there are hundreds of rare wines from Burgundy. But they are not only rare; they are quite cheap, relatively speaking. And so once a year, it’s possible to get your hands on rare, expensive wines for a fraction of the price of anywhere else in the world.

But there’s a catch. You have to get in line. They let people into the store, one at a time, in order of appearance in the queue. And although the wines scattered around on the floor might be attainable for person number 57, it’s the wine behind the counter that’s got people lining up days, or even weeks in advance. And yes, it’s February in Norway. And yes, it’s cold. And yes, they live outside, at Aker Brygge, for days or weeks at a time, waiting for those doors to open. And, yes, it’s quite crazy. I’ve answered some questions about this before, like why do it and do they keep or sell the wine. But for now, let’s get back to this year’s curveball!

Burgundslipp sleeping arrangements

Plot Twist

January 13th, I get a message: “There are 2 people in line. And apparently they have never been in line before.” If we do some quick math, that’s 27 days before the wines hit the deck. A whopping 9 days more than the previous record for number of days spent in the queue. Thursday January 17th I get a new message: “A 3rd one has appeared.” And just like that, the first 3 spots in the queue are taken. By Sunday January 22nd, there are already 6 people in line. And it doesn’t seem like that any of them have been in the queue before (they are not so talkative, so some deductions have been made). And so the 6 spots that are normally occupied by the regulars, are now taken. This is significant, because of the top wines, there are usually only 3 or 6 bottles available. And so if you end up being number 7, like I was last year, you likely won’t get a hold of the most sought after bottles.

Now, I don’t care that I won’t get my hands on the DRC Romanee-Conti, because let’s be honest, that was never the plan. But I am curious to see what happens the next 16 days.

What number will I be in the queue when I finally get there?

What will happen to the kingdom now that the 6 first guys are different from the usual 6 veterans that occupy the firs spots?

Will there be more women at the 2023 Burgundslipp?

How many will there be by 9:59 am Thursday January 9th?

Stay tuned!

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