
Autunno con il Barolo di La Morra

During the month of November you can taste a vadt variety of wines from the town of La Morra at the Cantina Comunale! Every Saturday in November there is a big tasting, featuring a dozen wines from the surrouding wineries. For only €15 you can taste over 40 wines from great producers! If you're in... Continue Reading →

Baroliadi 2018

This summer I was able to join the La Morra team in their annual competition: Baroliadi! Picture a sort of Olympics/triathlon with games centering around wine. Sounds like a recipe for success right?! Well it was! There were 4 different games. First there was the egg toss, where you had to catch an egg in... Continue Reading →

Mangialonga 2018

Have you ever been to Mangialonga? If not, you should! I mean, a day of food, wine and beautiful landscape - who can say no to that? I've mentioned Mangialonga before, but basically it's just a walk where you stop along the way to eat and drink. You work your way through the courses and... Continue Reading →

Corte Gondina – The Place to Stay

Corte Gondina - A Home Away From Home Corte Gondina - A beautiful boutique hotel in La Morra. If you ever find yourself in Piemonte, I highly recommend Corte Gondina in La Morra. This should come as no surprise for those who know me, as I frequent the beautiful hotel in the main streets of... Continue Reading →

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