
Mangialonga 2018

Have you ever been to Mangialonga?

If not, you should! I mean, a day of food, wine and beautiful landscape – who can say no to that?


I’ve mentioned Mangialonga before, but basically it’s just a walk where you stop along the way to eat and drink. You work your way through the courses and grapes: dolcetto, barbera, nebbiolo and barolo. It’s a day to have lots of fun, eat and drink until you fall asleep (preferably not during the course, although some have been known to take a nap or two).

Mangialonga Oda Emilie

I recommend taking the trip – I know I am going! Hopefully I’ll see some of you there. I’ll probably be at one of the stands, so if you’re there this year, please come say hello!

Mangialonga Snack

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